<b>Game 1</b> : Claw
<b>Game 6</b> : Razor Sharp Claws
<b><big>INJURIES CAUSED</b></big>
<b>Game 3</b> : <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=6942398><img src=http://www.nicklovick.co.uk/01_Fumbbl/BB7/images/delineman1.gif></a> Lineman (1 SSP) - Badly Hurt
<b><big>INJURIES SUFFERED</b></big>
<b>Game 4</b> : <img src=
http://www.nicklovick.co.uk/01_Fumbbl/BB7/images/amzara1.gif> Zara The Slayer (Star Player) - Seriously Injured (Miss Next Game) (Apothecary Failed)
<b>Game 6</b> : <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=3364271><img src=http://www.nicklovick.co.uk/01_Fumbbl/BB7/images/treeman1.gif></a> Treeman (12 SSP, +MA) - Badly Hurt
<b>Game 7</b> : <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=6907217><img src=http://www.nicklovick.co.uk/01_Fumbbl/BB7/images/vthrall1.gif></a> FOUL Thrall (16 SSP, Dirty Player, Kick) - Seriously Injured (Niggle)
Possible the laziest rat to ever grace the Bloodbowl field, this guy should really be diagnosed with Narcolepsy before it kills him on the LoS. Which is where coach puts him most of the game seeing as he tends not to realise who he's lined up again!
<b>A T16 Touchdown debut makes the fans grant him the MVP, and with such excitement the sleepy one sprouts a claw! Off the LoS for you young rat! Niggled in Turn two the very game after getting his Claw/RSC combo, fucks sake...</b>