Aged on the first skillroll and was awarded with dp. ;-D
Started old, limping and nasty.
Fouled super-saurus <a href="">Puzliz Astuus</a> with 237 spp in turn two to miss his first game of 114. Hit him in the first turn with a block that gave MNG and that was apoed. Was awarded with mvp and diving tackle.
Fouled Prins Moranion to a niggle in turn 2, apo failed, in the second game (first was filler) in XFL V. Starcrusher!
Got +st in game 22. Insane.
In 30 games you have made one TD and the rest in mvp... sucker...
In game 31 EVERY player of the team got spp, EXCEPT you!
Fouled, with a bribe from kickoff, the_sage´s very nice slann-blitzers to a death that the apo changed to a niggle.