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<b>Mothman (also known as Byron Lewis):</b>
Byron was a bored playboy who fought crime to add spice to his life. In 1939, a little after news of the Silhouette, there were reports of a man dressed like a moth who could glide through the air. He was a conscientious objector during World War II and served as a medical aide.
During the '50s, the House UnAmerican Activities Committee forced all active costumed vigilantes to reveal themselves to one of their representatives. Due to left-wing friends that Mothman had cultivated while a student, his clearance was considerably more difficult than his companions. He was eventually cleared, but Mason describes the investigations as both lengthy and ruthless.
<i>"Me, I hope we keep out of it. Just thinking about war, it scares me..."</i>
(Piling On, Tackle, Claw)