A masterful ballhandler, Tuco demonstrated his arm strength early on, a trait much in need for the Mexicans after the deaths of Fidel and Esmerelda. Few throwers of any race have demonstrated his ability to hurl the ball downfield with pin-point accuracy, even at extreme ranges he always seemed to put the ball right in the receivers hands.
That arm strength really helped keep him on his feet behind a front line of questionable strength, Tuco would simply hang back near his own endzone until a player came open downfield, and then the ball would simply appear in that elfs hand as if by magic, leaving the receiver with nothing to do except waltz into the endzone.
Tuco was never the greatest defensive player, but was willing to swoop in to collect the ball if it ever hit the turf, and rarely failed to get it to a safe place, preferably in an elfs hand, far downfield.
When ever the team received the kickoff it seemed almost inevitable, Tuco to one of a number of receivers. The crowd knew it was coming, their opponents knew it was coming, but there was nothing any of them could do about it except pray the elf at the other end dropped it.
Trophy Cabinet:
Silver Strongarm Season LI (6.75 Yards/Completion)
Silver Boomerang Season LII (16 Completions)
Manfred von Richtofen Arrow Season LIII (63 Passing Yards)

Emilio Luthien Boomerang Season LIII (10 Completions)
Manfred von Richtofen Arrow Season LVI (107 yards passing)

Silver Arrow Season LVII (152 yards passing)

Duskwind Strongarm Award Season LVII (10.13 yards passing/completion)

All-Star Seasons LVI and LVII

At his tragic passing, Tuco has now overtaken
Emilio Luthien in all 3 important categories: Completions, Passing Yards and Rushing Yards.