In recovery since game 6.
Former occupation:
Martial Arts Student
Although not of Nipponese blood, Veronica was raised deep in the heart of Nippon. Her parents were assassinated when she was a small child, the Ninja responsible was none other than the Grand Ninja himself. Veronica's parents betrayed his trust, he payed them their dues. Seeing this small child, frightened and without eyes to watch over her, he took pity. He brought it back to his Temple in Nippon, gave her shelter, food - and martial arts training, as was his way.
Veronica was brought up to believe it was Vampires that killed her parents. So naturally over years she has built up an enormous amount of resentment for them. Veronica eventually learned the truth about her parents at the tender age of 16. The truth... it broke her. She assassinated the Grand Ninja upon learning the horrific news, then fled Nippon.
It was while she fled she meet her Watcher, who proceeded to inform her of her new purpose and meaning in life - having avenged her parents Veronica really had little better to do. So she agreed to trust this new, intriguing influence, take up the stakes and join the Slayer Candidates!
Game 5 - First game with the Slayer Candidates.
Game 6 - Neck broken by dwarven longbeard. Veronica goes into recovery.
Vampires (see biography)
De Yempe
Training goals:
| Primary | Secondary |
normal | Block | Dauntless |
double | Blitzer
(Mighty Blow) | Jump Up |
4+6 | +MA | +AV |
5+5 | +MA | +AV |
6+5 | +AG | Block |
6+6 | +ST | Blitzer
(Mighty Blow) |