Made numer 1 active ranked player 10-6-2012
Number 1 Ranked Player Of ALL TIME 20-6-12
BECAME MEMBER OF 200 CLUB 7TH OF MAY 2012 only 4th ever player to reach this target
First ever player to reach 300 TOUCHDOWNS !
Much lols. sure to be a ransome on his head ! hmmm i wonder if he is the best elf ever to grace fumbbl.
Reached legend status in 29 games
Highest rusher of all time
Highest ever passing wardancer
Highest ever wardancer basher 10-6-12
Most td's in 1 game = 6 (twice)
most sp's in 1 game = 22
scored 16 sp's in his first ever game !
number 3 all time ranked player 10-6-2012
number 2 all time ranked player 13-6-12
number 1 all time scorer (touch downs)
passes 1000 sp in game 128 (1005sp's)
INJURIES SUFFERED (apo saved his ass)
5 deaths
1 - ma
1 - st
2 niggles
1 niggle
1 - ma (apo allready used)
1 - ag (apo allready used)
Vindaloo has also been ko'd and stunned by 2 wizards !
Vindaloo has also suffered 11 miss next games and a large number of badly hurts!
The reason for these injuries is because ball carriers are magnets to him and he can not resist the leap into deadly cages... he will often free the ball and then be left stranded for countless blocks and fouls ;-D. this elf has style