Pipin Piethrower
- Boss, I've found a hand!
- Good, bring it here, it should now be complete. I'm going to start the incantation.
A cloud of smoke surrounds the rotten corpse. It starts moving, slowly.
- Alive, he's alive!
- What the hell am I doing here?! Who are you, Nurgleface?
- How dare you?! I'm the greatest necromancer of Araby! I could let you rot again with all those anonymous players!
- Yeah, yeah... Where's da beer?
- What are you talking about?
- Da man who wakes up da fling offers him a beer, dats the rule.
- Possibly, but I'm no men. I am the greatest lich that...
- Will you shut up? I want meh beer!
- I didn't rose you from the dead for that. I want you to join my team.
- Yeah, you have a team of lamers and you need a real man, that's it? Gimme beer!
- *sigh* Foulathotep, go get some beer. And try not to kill anyone on the way.
- Aaaaaah, now we're talking! So, what is it you want?
- I've just told you: I want you to join my team.
- Hmrf. Aiight. I want two kegs of ale per game, and one more every five casualties I inflict.
- ... I guess we have a deal.
- Oh, and I want kittens as well. Lovely little kittens.
- Kittens? What for?
- You stoopid or what? For practicing of course!
- Fine. Can we go, now?
- Yeah, yeah, one second. (whispers: Necrolamer.)
- What have you just said?
- Shut up, I'm thirsty.
Skills (in that order):
Normal rolls:
- Block
- Dauntless (you weaklings!)
- Tackle
- Frenzeh (blooooood!)
- Pro ("I'm da best player alive!" - oh, wait...)
- Dirty Player (because he is!)
Doubles (no 6th skill: he will take Block no matter what):
- Dodge
- Mighty Blow
- Side Step
- Jump Up
- Diving Tackle
Stats: skip MA, take the rest. Eventually, he will hold the ball if he gets +AG, but that won't prevent him from blitzing with it, just like he did when he was alive.
Goblins: Pipin was killed by a chainsaw. He will blitz or foul them anytime he has a remote chance.
Halflings: He hates them. He wants to prove he's still the boss. And he hates fling coaches as well, since he died after his coach told the apo to save Bob Berserkling instead. He should be your main blitzer against flings.
Treemen: Pipin has played with the best trees of the Moot. He's not impressed by the weaklings he sees. He will block or blitz any tree he sees once (or if) he has gotten Dauntless. Furthermore, he has a grudge against Zed-Ra. He will never willingly assist him (passive assists are ok - if he's already here, that's fine, but he won't move to help him), and he will never hand the ball to him (that would have been very unlikely to happen anyway).
Godfather: Kam