While some would say that Xaort was added to the team after Girch Red Eyes got his collar bone smashed in by the boot of some foul Beard-thing creature, whispers go around the dugout of a more sinister plot taking place. As Girch was quite the promising Blitzer, the reserves behind him were always growing restless around their potential ever ongoing role as benchwarmers. Obviously, Skaven being Skaven, this meant that Girch was forced to look behind him at every corner, making sure no knife would find his back.
Of course, there are different ways of getting rid of ones enemies. So, one night, Vragni Ogrebane of the Ironfist Nomads found a message at his cod, saying that Girch Red Eyes has made some rude comments about his family lineage. Dwarves being Dwarves, that obviously did not set well with Vragni, who during gameday itself hunted down the Blitzer and kicked him right into (early) retirement... consequently paving the way for an eager Xaort, who eventually made his debut the next game.
Where he came from, noone knows. All they know is that Xaort is a mean creature, doing whatever required to keep himself on the team!
Skill choices:
Normal roll: Strip Ball, Wrestle
Double: Sure Feet, Foul Appearance
Stat increases: +MA, +ST, +AG