Retired along with
Gnash Doomspider after the Great Gobbo conceded
this game against the
Axis of Anarchy.
The Great Gobbo says:
"Diz git an iz side-kik Doomspider arr a rite pare o shady, bakkstabbin, lyin barsterds! Dey used me konceedin a game az an excuse ter retire meenin I ad ter pay dem kompensashun (I wurnt gunna but dey kontakted diz furm kalled 'Injury Lawyers For You' so it woz cheeper ter pay em off).
Apparently dey now travel arownd der Old World steelin, cheetin at kardz, sellin drugz an ovva nawty fingz an dere iz a reward o 100 gold koinz fer ooevva kan katch em, ded or alive but beware, look at Blacknail's skillz. +AG, durty playa, sneaky git, diz iz wun gobbo oo wud stab yer in der bakk befoar yew even no wot az appened.
Ee iz definatly der brainz o der operashun an iz mega kunnin so do not trust im."