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Though closemouthed about the specifics (as most Troperiffic players are when it comes to their background,) Big Brother Instinct did reveal that his primary motivation for joining the team was to raise money to help out his little sister. Speculation among the team ranges from medical problems, to drug abuse, to trouble with the Halfling Mafia and beyond, but the only certainty is that BBI lives a life of frugality, saving every gold piece that falls his way.
Big Brother Instinct's Spartan lifestyle carries over to Spartan play on the pitch, though in a different sense of the word. BBI became the second player in Troperiffic history to reach double digit CAS, and he did so in only 16 games, setting a team record along the way for most CAS in a match with 4 notches against the Slann squad Galaxy Hitchhikers.