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Mighty Blow
Piling On
The only one on the team Big buddy trusts and listens too. These two stay close and help each other out
Game 19: slays a blodge tackle ghoul and earns mighty blow to help beatdown the opposition with Big Buddy. Hopefully Big Buddy will learn how to CAS from this too.
Game 30: Makes some awesome dodges and nails a high elf ballcarrier, scatters to another tackle zone....he picks it up and endures 8 block dice to remain standing. then blitzes 2d oppo pick, to double pow a thrower (again) and dodges out of the elf pocket. Additionally slays a the thrower (apoth revives). Eventually gets CAS'd himself, but boy o boy what a great player!
Little Buddy has now made all 30 games and is an original blitzer on the team. wonder if this is a sign of death to come. Only Elegan is the other perfect attendance guy.
Game 32: With no rr left, is a key player in tossing the ball to Lightning for a score. Earns quad status and dauntless...hopefully that's not a mistake over stand firm.
Game 38: With the firing of Smeff (niggled), it was a good idea to have a back up dauntless player....especially one that can take down big guys with mighty blow to boot!
38 games and so far perfect attendance. uh oh...he's going to die.
Game47: No longer has his friend on the field
Game 53: First game with piling on, becomes quite the ogre smacker! CAS's two!
Birthday game! Slays an ogre with piling on! apoth however steals our thunder.