Unlike most linos, Skarak only needed
one game to earn his first skill, and the way he earned it is just something special:
Minos, the tentacle Mino charged him with support for a 3d blitz! Skarak didn't get scared, like most rookies would do, instead he got ready to fight Minos back, charging his blow.
As Minos' Horns were about to pierce him, Skarak "Footnails" Breet dodged low, under the Minotaur's body, getting ready to trip him. In a desperate effort to hit his opponent, Minos grabbed Skarak as they went both down, hitting each other with all their might.
Blood everywhere. Just another dead lino, everybody thought. Nobody gave a penny about a rookie skaven, not even his team-mates. Not to speak about the Ballstealers' coach, Uedder Steal, who was seen inciting the Minotaur with lines such as "Go Minos! Kill that useless rat!!".
But when the mist of dust and blood disappeared, everybody saw: Skarak lied on the ground, stunned but unharmed. The Minotaur instead got badly hurt, a bunch of teeths and severed tentacles lying on the pitch.
The stadium went roaring. Everyone was screaming Skarak's name, as even the gutter runners showed admiration for the guy by not stomping on him as they ran towards the Chaos' endzone.
Skarak then was obviously named MVP of the match and is destined to become the team's kicker thus being relieved from LoS duty.
Coach Uedder Steal said of Skarak: "Badass!"