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*Hired Game 227*
Game 239: Coach MVP vs Birretteee - scored a 1 turn touchdown vs this dwarf team, that proved crucial in winning the game.
Game 241: Coach MVP vs Play the Man, Not the Ball - pulled off some heroics with team mate Rot Rudiger to bring the vicious chaos team to a 2:1 defeat with just 4 human players left on the pitch.
Game 242: Suffered a fractured skull vs chaos team Revenge of the box. Kept on the team for the time being, his speed being a valuable asset.
Game 246: Crunched his own skull on a failed dodge badly enough to injure him even after the apo's attention.
Game 257: Coach MVP vs 'Roid Rage [B ]abes - Christoph proved invaluable to the team catching the monstrous chaos team flat footed twice. While his initial initiative didn't directly lead to a score either time, it created the conditions to pull an epic 2:0 win despite being hopelessly out-gunned.