A medium-sized, exceptionally flat and wide lizard with two long, horn-like scales projecting from the back of the head. Smaller horn-like scales protrude from the sides of the head and jaw. Several pointed, projecting scales are scattered across the back. There are large, keeled, spiny scales on the limbs, tail, and sides of throat. Each lower side of the body is edged with two fringes of enlarged, pointed scales. Each side of the tail is edged with a single fringe of enlarged, pointed scales. Base coloration is usually orange-brown, yellow brown, or gray. A distinct, crisp-edged, white or cream colored stripe runs down the middle of the back extending from the neck onto the base of the tail. Two or three wide, dark lines radiate from each eye distinguishing this lizard from all other horned lizards in Arizona. The back is marked with dark brown, circular blotches and there are two large, dark brown blotches on the neck. The rear edge of each neck and body blotch is outlined with a wide yellow-green, yellow, or cream colored line. The underside is plain white or cream.