33 coaches online • Server time: 14:16
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*Hired Game 256*
Played game number 300 vs the infamous Slime Barons.
Despite Herr Stärke's position as key hitter, his career has always been somewhat mediocre. He's there, often, but having a negligible effect on the outcome of the match, as is evidenced by a mere 2 CMVP's in over 45 games.
As of game 307 has made 4 casualties from 14 games, frankly a shockingly low number for the Bengals' main hitter. Most recently learned how to overwhelm an adversary with a frenzied series of attacks however talk persists as to whether this is more due to honed skill...or Adelwulf's mental situation, taking the edge of his form.
Took another permanaent injury in game 318 against a scary looking WMD's, making him...slow. Unsure whetehr he'll stay on or be sacked for a cheaper alternative.
Game 277: Coach MVP vs IKhvar
Game 291: Failed a dodge and would have killed himself were it not for the doctor on hand and in doing so lost the ball and allowed the wood elfs to score and win the game. Deeply shamed by the incident, and rightfully so, we will see if Herr Stärke brings his A-game to the pitch after his recovery.
Game 293: Coach MVP vs Los enfermos - first game back after his shameful self inflicted injury and Adelwulf hits the ground running, proving he can still bash as much as his pay suggests.
Game 316: Coach MVP vs Lagartos y Lagartas