The Gentleman Ghoul
The goodly lord Hadrious Weathervane Brackenshire Steadsworth the Fourth was born with a feather in his cap. Even as he hung upside-down having his bum slapped he was already sipping a cup of tea, tiny pinky perfectly extended. Yes, Hadrious was the perfect gentleman with a pedigree the envy of lords the land over. The Steadworths owned a great track of the lowlands, home to rich fertile fields in the west and slimy fetid swamps in the east. Though strict, the family was not unkind, and the peasants squalloring away in their fields did so happily, for a time at least.
Hadrious's grandfather, Hadrious the Third had been a gentleman as proper as any other in the lineage, but he had been possessed of inscrutable pursuits that drew him deeper and deeper into the bogs. On occasion he would leave in company, only to return alone. Rumors began to spread, but cautiously, as no one wanted to be responsible for falsely maligning the good Steadworth name. So, Hadrious the Third kept on whatever he was on about and the people nervously abided it. When in his middle age one day he also failed to return, everyone let out a little sigh of relief they had been holding for a couple decades.
Though his son set about quickly sweeping all this oddness under the rug of history, Hadrious the Fourth found a private collection of his grandfather's in a hidden room of the manor. On the advice of his father he kept his distance from the Third, but upon his father's young demise (the Chirping Cough, rudely killing both peasants and proper folk alike) he spent more and more time deep in his grandfather's tomes. Though he maintained the outward appearances of having a gentleman's private pursuits, secretly the mire called to him. The books hinted, teased, and enticed around the word without directly invoking it. But Hadrious could read between the lines, and one fateful night he made up his mind. He stole out in a ragged cloak with a armful of books and a map, headed purposefully into the swamp. So the Steadworth name ended abruptly, and the family's lands fell to ruin. More than that though, a blight of drought and sickness fell over the once vibrant fields. Over the course of a generation the territory became utterly shunned.
Hadrious, the Gentleman Ghoul is a necromancer of no small power, fallen prey to the dark magics of the Encarsled Swamp. There he engages in unspeakably evil and profane abominations of undeath, but always with the bearing of a man of immaculate class. He knows that the sacrificial dagger goes on the LEFT side of the altar, and all his zombies wear perfectly tailored cravats. He will always stop for tea at 10 and 4, and he offers his victims a cup and a plate of scones before getting back to work.
Skill Priorities: Classy
Normal: Fend (a fencing move), wrestle (academy sport), strip ball (tax the commoners)
Doubles: Leader (born to lead), guard (fencing)
Stats: Armor, Agility, Strength
Coach Relezite