1) Game 4: Flight. Safe landing. Ran to ball and picked up (in tacklezone). Dodge. GFIx2.
2) Game 6 (Semi Final): Flight. Safe landing. Ran to ball, survived a rerolled blitz and in the following turn...dodge, dodge, dodge
3) Game 7: Missile. Missed, crash landing (stunned)
4) Game 8: Flight. Safe landing.
5) Game 16: Missile. Missed, crash landing (prone)
6) Game 20: Flight, off target, hit Intaa Sepuuto (stunned), crash landing (stunned)
7) Game 20: Missile, off target, safe landing
8) Game 20: Missile, off target, into crowd (broken neck -Ag)
9) Game 24: Missile, off target, crash landing (badly hurt)
10) Game 27: Missile, hit secondary target (prone) bounced off (badly hurt)
11) Game 29: Missile, off target, crash landing (stunned)
12) Game 29: Missile, off target, crash landing (KO)
13) Game 30: Missile, off target, crash landing (stunned)
14) Game 33: Missile, hit secondary target (prone) bounced off (prone)
15) Game 40: Missile, off target, safe landing

Game 8: In the same turn as his successful flight, he ran to the ball and was Chosen by Supaikuto Booru (Serious Injury -MA)
Game 10: A simple pick up from the first kick off. Supaikuto Booru rewards complacency with a Touch (Badly Hurt)