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Matthews will take the path of awesome if he rolls a double/ +STAT on 6+ SPP roll. If he rolls a normal skill he goes the path of dirty.
If he goes the path of dirty then his second skill must be PRO/double/+Stat because he is dirty but awesome.
If he goes the path of awesome he will not take DP but instead strive to achieve MB/PO because, well, he is awesome.
Matthews level of Awesome is so great that it cannot suffer any perm damage. He feels that it is a drain on his awesome nature and he cannot have that. Any time Natthews takes perm damage he will be retired. The one and only exception to the retirement rule is that if he has achieved the pinnacle of awesome, PO/MB, he will not retire until slain on the pitch or until management deems his awesomeness has faded to the point of TV bloat.
Matthews I: went the path of dirty and was blown up for a -AV, retired.
14 games/6 SPP / DP
Matthews II: Skills up and goes the path of AWESOME with a +AV upgrade to start out. Retired at the close of the FUMBBL Cup when Coach implodes the team and fires everyone.
Matthews III takes a -AV in game 3 and is promptly retired. 0 SPP of futility.
Matthews IV: Goes the path of Dirty and makes it to 9SPP before getting killed like a chump. Just sad man, sad.
Mathhews V: Goes the duel path of Dirty and Awesome!!!!! DP and +ST!! Killed by a Ogre with Apoth fail.
Matthews VI: Total Bust...2nd match takes a niggle, retired.
Matthews VII: One match and hits the RIP bin.
Matthews VIII: Skills up in match 3 and goes the path of dirty. Takes a -MA in the GLT and Coach kicks him off the team for being a gimp.
Matthews IX: took a niggle in game #2, 0 spp. Sad really.
Blood Sea Buccaneers have finally found their wing man for Boz to lay down even more dirty boots onto their opponeets. Coach is really happy they have found this guy on top of the scrap heap and are looking to hire him onto the squad pronto. For far to long the Bucs have had a gapping hole in their defense with out a wing man for Boz.
Boz-"It is about dang time I got some respect around this joint. I have needed a wing man for months to take the pressure off me. How can I line up a solid DP shot if everyone on the other side is always head hunting me? But this upstart Matthews better know who DP #1 is on this squad OR I might just DP boot him in the head whille he is sleeping."
Bucs have finally filled in that last dedicated DP slot. Lets see if that is enough to "boot" them into the final 4 of the FC coming up.
The inspiration for the Bucs new DP is from CBS sportsline. I think he will be a mainstay DP for the Bucs for a long time, just like Boz.
**CBS Sportsline reported this after the SF VS GB match in week #1 of 2013 season.**
Even though Clay Matthews was spotted tackling Colin Kaepernick roughly 400 feet out of bounds in Week 1 when the Packers and 49ers played, the Green Bay linebacker doesn't think he's a "dirty" player.
In fact, the only way that Matthews would describe himself, according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, is "awesome."
"I'm an awesome player. I'm not a dirty player," Matthews said when asked about the hit on Kaepernick