13 coaches online • Server time: 05:38
**Its a cold stormy night, on the coast of the old world. A line of 12 men in Red and grey uniforms stand in line while mourners sob. A man in a sling steps forward and clears his throat
Auflin Fierhaard "...I wish I was on that pitch when he died. My arm was broken in several places, and I could not get on. I abandoned Sven, he was a close friend and the best drinker we had. When I heard he died, I cried for hours... I'm going to miss him."
**Another tall man with Chestnut hair steps over, hugging Auflin and then speaking.
Rudd Longbeard "I had to do it. I just want to clear that out... Sven was my best friend, and I couldn't bear to see him standing in front of me with those dead eyes... I hope all of you would do the same for me."
**Finally, a gruff scarred man leans forward and takes several long strides, planting his hand on the altar
In-gul Norsgard Sr. "My nephew was a strong man, only twenty when he snuck aboard Ragnar the Strongs longship and became a Viking... My sister bawled for hours, worried for him. I assured her it would be fine, that he'd bring back chests of loot so our family could thrive in our village... How wrong I was. I'm going to take his boots and wear them proudly, making sure his legacy lives on."
**The entire team steps over to a large longboat and begins shoving it into the water, Ragnar lights a torch and tosses it onboard. The ship bursts into flames with Sven's uniform and his body on it, as well as his prized axe and poetry books. The ship slowly floats off until it sinks on the horizon.