Name: Reginald Silverspear
Race: Hill Dwarf
Height: 5'0" Weight: 175 pounds
Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Beard: Brown and kept short and rounded.
Reginald comes from a small clan of Hill Dwarfs far to the south of Clan Anvilforge. When Reginald finally arrived, the team had already begun playing, so he joined a list of players waiting to join the team. Back home, he was a very quick and athletic warrior, so he hoped to join the team as a ball handler, wanting to enjoy the glory that comes with scoring touchdowns on the pitch.
Room was made on the team after game 7, so Reginald joined the roster for game number 8. It turned out to be a rather bloody game against an Orc team. One player was killed, another badly hurt. Reginald was also badly injured, suffering a fractured skull. The blow was devastating to his ego and after the game he decided to retire. Not able to rely on his Armor any more, he returned home.