1) Game 27: Maiden flight was as a Missile. Hit a target, and Badly Hurt it! He was unharmed.
2) Game 27: Flight (with cargo), safe landing,
3) Game 29: Flight (with cargo), safe landing, one step out of range for the score.
4) Game 38: Flight (with cargo), crashed into opposition player (ko)
5) Game 49: Flight (with cargo), crash landing (stunned).
Game 27: Under the ball at the kickoff, catch it and there's
a chance of a flight to glory. Chosen in a special way, groin strain (mng)
Game 47: Visited and annointed as a Saint in the same match. Glorious! However, Koomupashan meddled in this highest honour, and pulled him back from the light. And still the Tanuki have no Saints of Supaikuto Booru