Louis "Speedy" Dashton, the younger of the two Dashton brothers is a halfling of great speed. During trials he almost scored a touch down before realizing that he was going the wrong way. But the way he dodged through our amazing screens was magnificent! He had to get a spot on the team along with his twin brother Odin.
Outside of Blood Bowl, Louis is often found partying and drinking at the local dance club "The Rainbow Cock". I Haven't been there myself but I see Louis go there from time to time. Anyways, Louis is a dance machine due to his speedy nature.
"Louis' dancing is like a controlled seizure. It's so hot" - Random chick at the university.
However, it has been rumored that Louis sells and takes LSD. Fitting of his initials I must say, but bad it is. His brother Odin does not agree with Louis whatsoever about his business, but it's making enough money to pay off both of their university fees. It is said that Louis draws his own pictures onto the LSD paper, usually consisting of badly drawn smiley faces, trees, and Louis' face. Odin says this is the only way that girls lick him.
Needless to say, despite his drug addiction Louis is still able to play great blood bowl (as LSD does not affect the way he plays). He's going to be a great addition to the team and will hopefully score a touch down for the university.
-Head chef and coach of the MFC, Mushoomy
(Hired Season 4)

-Silver Sparrow Season 4