Full name: Raza
Position: Special teams
Squad status: Experienced
Play style:
Reputation: Local
Achivement: First killer. Raza fractures the skull on a
freak Dark Elf Blitzer.
History: Raza is an old member of the Mahrak Falcons. He killed a player and naturally got the
MVP. Raza can block as good as any blitzer. Raza got hit late in his fifth
game and got his hip smashed. Bad news for Raza since this moves him one step closer to the LoS.
Raza never had to work the LoS but died anyways. A marauder named Nigel
killed him but since the coah grown found of Raze he brought him back from the dead. This is the first time this happened to a common skeleton but not saying it won't happen again. Raze doesn't remember how to block properly but his hip got mended, so tabula rasa for Raza so to speak. After hurting a
foul beast Raza gets the honour to strap on spikes on his boats.
Before the
games even started some lunatic in the stadium hurled a rock straight at Raza's head. Scum!