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Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
Guard (30k)
Lore: In life Ximtra stood guard over Rasetra's highest temple. He was renowned not just for his brute strength, but keen instincts for when intruders were nearby. It was rumored he could sense the heartbeat of every living thing throughout the temple, and his eyes could spot a mouse a mile away. The Lurking God recognized these skills and brought Ximtra back as both guardian and hunter. He stands ever watchful over the gods temple, unless given an order then he hunts his prey without mercy until they can be brought back as an offering. On the Blood Bowl pitch his abilities as both hunter and guardian strike fear into enemies who hope he is simply protecting the ballcarrier, and not coming after them!
History: Ximtra earned a reputation early for his savagery, badly hurting the mighty foo statue Peach Blossom Water in his very first match. He continued his cas streak in his second match and finished winter with 2 cas.