Dinkleberg has been with Shenanigargles since their first game, and was well hated (yet liked) by his teammates and fans alike. His shenanigans were a text book example of what it means to play for this team- going so far as to score 3 career touchdowns!
During Shenanigargles' 10th game, our star
Barry "Butt Stuff" McGruff, was out on his first injury. Dinkleberg and
Squeek stepped up, and fought hard to make up for his absence. After a perfect toss from
Regigigganigga, Dinkleberg attempted to blitz an opponent, despite his shaky landing. Having had 2 touchdowns scored on them already, their opponents were out for blood.
Half COOL hiq's halfling, jersey #11, Half Freux: took advantage of our "no helmets" policy, and threw everything he had into the stumbling Dinkleberg.
He scored one of Shenanigargles touchdowns that game (3 career TDs), put one of the opponents out of the game, and he went down swinging.
He will forever be immortalized in the "At least I didn't go out like a punk!" list.