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Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Plague Ridden
Rendcanker was a late signing. Aslak and the team was in the orient participating in the Obsidian Chalice. Rendcanker was in the stands of the teams first match, and saw the awesome display of power they showed in crushing the oppositon.
He felt a calling to out to him, and when the game ended, Rendcanker stormed the field and tried to steal as many bones from the injuried undead as possible.
These he sacrificed to Nurgle, and from him, he was granted super human strength. But his body also began to decay, rapidly!
He quickly made his way to the teams camp and offered his services, knowing that all others would kill him on sight for his mark of chaos.
Aslak made sure Rendcanker got into full battle gear so his decay wouldnt show, and now he is ready to take the field with the rest of the guys.