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Living in the third century, Saint Barbara was described as being extremely beautiful, so much so, that her father locked her in a tower to protect her virginity. There, she decided to fully dedicate herself to the lord and swore to be chase for life.
As she reached appropriate age, her father began to bring suitors, but she turned them all away. He had a bathhouse built for her, but she persuaded the builder to add three windows to remind her of the Holy Trinity and keep her focused.
Frustrated, he let her out of the tower to mingle with others, but she immediately went to church and learned much of the lord. She professed to her father that she shall never accept his false gods and ways.
Enraged, her father had her tortured and humiliated publically naked. But the lord interceded, clothed her and healed her wounds.
This only made the father more angry to the point where he had her beheaded. Upon her death, he was struck down with lightning from the heavens.
Barbara is the patron saint of artillerymen and architects.