18 coaches online • Server time: 03:27
Following the advice of Pab', I went on the crapiest place on the earth where a nasty orc lived .... this side of the town was filled of smoke and vicious smells. People weren't speaking but mumbling ununderstandable sentence, I knew this place, I have been there before but nothing left in my mind. It must have been erased by some chaotic drug... nothing good can come from this part of the city, that was all i knew. Then I saw the sign which scared me once before :
<b>Welcome to the SALE BATAVIE</b>
Nooooo !!! It couldn't be that !!!! No way I could go there and try to pick a player. How would he even understand how to play. I heard people there were blinded themselves when playing BB, like Jedis but without any powerful mystic force.
I logically decided to go back, but the vicious smell had already taken control of my mind and I was like hypnotised, going straigth to a florist. While I was passing rigth in front of the shop, I weirdly didn't stop by; maybe the 2 big orcs (in fact one was big and hairy and the other one tall but thin and hairy too) scared me.
Anyway I aimed directly at a small buidling hidden from the outside. Could not be good !!! I climbed the stairs and Roon was awaiting me comfortably sat on a chair.
"I was expecting your arrival, he said"
Holy shit, a wizard !!! How can I got out of this shit now ... I chose to flatter its ego
"- You must be a wonderful wizard to know this ? i ventured
- <b> I AM WONDERVINKE</b> and I know much things and I .... have a cell phone. Pab' just called me to say you will pass by. You want anything to drink ?
- ....
- So what do you want ? Enrole me in something ?
- Thats the idea, I want you in my BB team !
- I will have to say no, I already have a job, with good salary, nice job prospective, nice collegues ...
- In SALE batavie ?
- .... ..... .... ... .... yes
- OK as you want bye
- NOOOOO wait !!! I want to join the team after all, I ... dunno why (*whistling*)
- You're making a good choice mate, what's your speciality ?
- I'm not really good with the ball, I say I am playing basketBall nut really who can believe that. I a m not very tough and i would prefer avoiding being hit ... but i like to hit people anyway.
I know what we gonna do with you."
And soon after his first incarnation ;) Roon get the skill I promised him ... <b>dirty player</b> .