Blood Lust
Hypnotic Gaze
+AV (30k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Lord Valhal has been well known in Drakenhof for his iron grip around the local villages of his castle. Bandits are kept away from the peasants, the peasants do their work and the crops continue to grow. Or what little it was. Despite a strange sort of peace falling over his area of Drakenhof, Valhal grew bored. He wanted more. Hearing of the sport game Blood Bowl, Valhal's interest peaked and it was not long till a team was put together.
The Drakenhof Ravagers were formed and now Lord Valhal himself leads them as Captain in the Open Leagues in an attempt to win fame and fortune.
After his 51st game, Lord Valhal reached Legendary Status. Gifted by his servants with an enhanced breast plate, the Vampire Lord now feels even more formidable than before.
Since entering the Open Leagues, the Drakenhof Ravagers have seen surprising success on the pitch. However the same cannot be said about their roster. Lord Valhal von Drakenhof is now one of the last two founding Vampires of the team, the other Lords of the night having met their end on the Blood Bowl pitch. The other being Dorian the Demented. If this is simply a coincidence or part of a more sinister plan by Lord Valhal, none can confirm. Lord Valhal himself had nothing to say on the matter.
Despite proving to be an exceptional player on the field of Blood Bowl and having never missed a game, Lord Valhal finally used up all his luck. Against a Chaos team, the Drakon Droogs, Lord Valhal was struck down. A vicious Chaos Warrior with a mighty blow smashed his collar bone, the punch shattering the Vampire Lords glorious chest plate at the same time. Lord Valhal was crippled, his regenerating abilities not enough to save even him. The team Apothecary and a group of necromancers scurried away with him before the Drakenhof Ravagers even finished their game.
After an intense operation, magical rituals and a whole lot of screaming, Lord Valhal had returned to the team. A shell of his former self and now fairly enraged, he swore to become even greater than he had ever before. That and take the head of a follower of Chaos as vengeance.