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A man of few words, Nicodemus much preferred the company of ancient tomes and his undead servants. However even an isolated individual like Nicodemus can sometimes desire some more. After being contacted by Count Valhal, Nicodemus cautiously accepted the offer.
It wasn't until he first watched Blood Bowl on a borrowed Cabalvision globe did he fall in love with the sport. Soon enough Nicodemus was seen throughout the local villages training for the sport, from intense running schedules to merciless amounts of drills.
Soon enough he had a local fan club in his village and the once hermit like scholar felt something he had never felt before - joy. Soon enough Nicodemus was on the pitch followed by a loyal set of fans.
Even the brightest stars can only shine for so long till they are dimmed by the darkness of the night. So too can up and coming stars in Blood Bowl. Count Nicodemus, once a former scholar had become something of a local celebrity in his rise to Blood Bowl fame. The once gaunt looking scribe had become the pinnacle of Vampire beauty as well as nobility. As did his fame rise so too did his village, the village of Strathelm, prosper.
Schools, libraries and orphanages opened all thanks to the generous donations of Nicodemus himself. Sadly, Nicodemus' career was cut brutally short.
Against a ferocious Chaos team known as "Lullabies to Paralyze", Nicodemus having just thrown the winning pass to turn the game 3-0, was cut down by a mutated Chaos Warrior. So thorough was the damage that Nicodemus did not rise again as he had done so many years ago, making him the first of the Vampires to fall on the field of Blood Bowl. His fans were heartbroken and although it is unknown who he was in his former life, Nicodemus was given an honourary burial with the entire town of Strathelm and his teammates attending his funeral.
While his career in Blood Bowl was cut short, the village of Strathelm continues to flourish and have risen a statue of his figure in his name. Engraved on both his grave and statue reads:
Count Nicodemus the Fourth - ???? - 2512. Lover of scrolls and books. Although long had his heart ceased beating, his spirit and generosity live on forever.