Dodge (30k)
Guard (30k)
Stand Firm (30k)
Strip Ball (30k)
Draft 5, round 4, pick #135 (next to last!)
Skills: Dodge, Strip Ball, Guard, Stand Firm
Injuries: -
Next skill: 76
Made an amazing play vs Kemperbad, first knocking down a blitzer and picking up the ball. After that he survived 4d to hold on to the ball. On the following turn he bashed his way out, badly hurting the opposing blitzer and then scoring 2-0.
Played great vs Kemperbad once more, again in the opening game. Took 10 dice without falling, which opened up a steal of the ball when Cornelius bashed the carrier and caught the bouncing ball. Needed just a dodge to score 1-1 in the final turn, but the leg of Bish Bosh got in the way.
Skills into Guard after 23 games.
In game 41 against 49ers, first gambles and fouls the opposing pomber, killing him! He also made another kill, a rookie thrower, plus scored two touchdowns, giving us a 3-2 victory! What a game! Skill is Stand Firm. This in a season where he was himself killed in both games 1 and 2, but saved twice.
In the last game of the season the apo fails to save. His strength broken, he retires a Vikings legend.