The biggest, meanest and nastiest of the Sons of Stromfels on the team, Hooktooth is also the oldest and has terrorised the oceans for countless generations of men.
Hooktooth is accountable for the sinking of hundreds of ships and the lives of thousands of sailors, as well as the lives of innumerable creatures of the sea.
Hooktooth’s visiage is scarred from all of the giant sea monster battles he has waged and won and, having overcome everything in the worlds oceans, Hooktooth is now coming on land …
Hooktooth achieved a Triple X in the match vs the Rotfall Ironworks Rocketeers during the autumn of Year 4. Tasty, tasty rats!
Hooktooth continued his up-tick in Chomping to be recognised as one of the Star Players of the CIBBL League at the conclusion of the Spring of Year 5 - the Fins’ first Regionals win.