Deellus is Always been a dirty player, literally, Always covered in mud and other stinky stuff.
He stepped into the lights in CIBBL year 6 "friendlies" when he stomped a lot of people gaining the status of "child of winter" for most fouls committed"
Delusionals fans, which Always have little to cheer, are looking forward next season hoping for a new legend to born!
He heated the winter with his boots, all Delusionals' fans hope he will keep stepping on his opponents!
AND HE DID, in CIBBL Year 6 Spring he has been awarded as the best fouler.
So much pride for Delusionals in the year of their first Championship Winning!
In CIBBL season 6, Summer, Deellus was once again the dirtiest player of his league! WHAT A PLAYER!
In CIBBL, season 7, Winter, this little git treated himself once again for a child of winter award as the most fouling players of the Mid bracket. GOOD JOB!
In CIBBL, season 7, Summer vs World's Edge End, Deellus proved to be the goblin to keep an eye on when it comes to fouling. Earned the GRUDGEMAKER award for kicking filthy dorfs to oblivion where they belong! NICE ONE LITTLE FELLA.
CIBBL Y7 Autumn, Copper Division, What a season has been for Deellus! This little fella always slips under the radars of opponents but always lands great performances. He earned 2 major acheivements being the best fouler of the Copper division and killed a Vip, with a foul of course, Eliminating the Target knwon as Grim Khenek of the Cerberus Beast. HA!