Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Stand Firm (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Da Sexy Buggerz' fourth Super-Star
Retired after a great career punchin' gits and stompin' dweebs, when the change to BB2020 came along and a second Niggle due to old age was on the horizon. Youse a good Bugger Fabio da Bootiful, we salute da carnage you left behind ya
Confirmed Kills:
May 21: Otto, Norse Lineman, Freezy Trees
Confirmed Perms:
Feb 20: Shereul III, Linelf, Jank, Jank, Splat, -MA
May 20: Merc Lineman 1, Linefrog, Color From Outer Space, -AV
Feb 21: Sputnik, Snotling, Milking the Pigeon, -ST