44 coaches online • Server time: 19:48
Block (20k)
Frenzy (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Skill ups :
1st: Block (done)
2nd: Mighty Blow (done)
3rd: Frenzy
4th: Guard
Doubles; Side Step
1st Game vs Wyzard's Halfling Comedent Illud - In between his three enormously entertaining blocks, Firefly spent his time amazing the crowd with his incredible skills. Badly hurt a young halfling hefty called Taco Bell with one of his signature BURN BLOCKS! Great stuff. 7/10
2nd Game vs JuVkE's Lizards Malinas Dragonflyyies - Firefly flamed six opponents with blocks that shook the bleachers whilst amazing the crowd with his sublime play. Wonderful player! 6/10
3rd Game vs Pierogi's Wood Elf Puttes'Chaumont - Keeping to the center field and tormenting the opposition with his amazing BURN BLOCKS, Firefly's fearsome form kept the opposition at bay effortlessly and drove the crowd insane with awe! 4/10
4th Game vs Ghost19's Human Empire Knightz - Showing great leadership in the midfield, Firefly kept the crowd entranced with his liberal applications of his patented BURN BLOCKS! 4/10
5th Game vs exefokkers Dark Elf Ips'witch Town Veterans XI - "Fuggin gobbos wer makin me larf too much! So me dunt fink me got ta smash az meny panze elvses az me shud ave. But me fink I plaed a gud pozitonil gaem.... Kep dose darkes frum runnin rownd tu much! An en sumery me diserv dis aword coz me be da bess blak ork bloker en da wurld!"
MVP acceptance speech by Firefly 6/10
6th Game vs Beer's Human Dragon Friends - "Fuggin gobbos got hurtz bos. Me waz larfin so 'ard me cud beerly se wer me waz goin. Me finks me ren ova a few ov dem humies but me dunno, nun of em broek. " 7/10
7th Game vs UnderWater's Birthday Surprise - 'Kant talk now bos! Gotta wash al dis rat stink of me or missus Fishorc gonna make me sleep on da flor. Specilly afta da way me plaid!' 3/10
8th Game vs Felicsdude332's Paulitonians -'Dat waz absolut madnis bos! Hed to hed wid dem ogers wid al dem lil runtz chargin arund, waz da bes gaem me eva plaed in! Da cruwd waz luvin it! Me waz luvin it! An me gotta smash dem ogers up reel gud!' 8/10
9th Game vs Buu88's Dark Elf Dark Ni - 'Den elvses ar yuck! Evry tiem me tryd ta bash 'em dey slyp awey lik dey wer neva der. Me 'ates dem.' 4/10
10th Game vs moathman's Amazon Boys 2 Men -'Den gurls is yuck! Evry tiem me tryd ta bask 'e, dey slyp awey like dey didn wanna tuch me. Sept dat wun dat me 'urt. She wen down bad. Da cruwd fort it waz hileryos!' 8/10
11th Game vs sulidamor's wood suli ranked - 'Dem elvses ar dum! Me 'it wun, den me 'it anuda wun, den da nek wun me 'it... e' mustiv cheeted coz nek fing me new waz waekin up 'ere. Did we wyn?' 2/10
TOTAL RATING - 6 Games - 5.6