One day now one will challenge my command. I will be known as the fiercest player in the entire world."
Righacet had a hard time growing up always the smallest and always the weakest. He would have to fight for every inch and found out that speed was his biggest strength. But he also knew that when he grew up he would never ever be the one that draged his temates down.
Casualty Types
Players (Red are Journeymen)
Minus Strength
Minus Movement
Minus Agility
Minus Armor
Niggling Injury
Starting the carer the right way!
Aerodynamic Aim
Awarded to player throwing 4+ completions in one match. Worth 15 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.
Whisperer In The Woods
Most completions with 11 completions in 7 games