J. Greenbeard is one of the players that´s been on the team for the longest time. In table top version I have been real lucky with his skills. There he got ST +2,guard,grab and Block.
J. Greenbeard played in FUMBBL CUP XVI, Crown Of Sand IX: Qualifier VII, BAR Brawl X - Hi, FUMBBL CUP XVII, Warpstone Open XIV: Qualifier V, Ulthuan Invitational XV Qualifier: Amethyst Lantern and Crown Of Sand X: Qualifier VIII, Grotty Little Tournament XV: Old Teams Qualifier 1, FUMBBL CUP XVIII, Warpstone Open XV: Qualifier VI, Ulthuan Invitational XVI Qualifier: Golden Latern.
During a match against the human team
Ekipa z taboru J. Greenbeard killed two players.
Nr. 18 Martin Stronghawk (human lineman) in turn 4, 1st half and
nr. 12 Nicolae (human lineman) in turn 5, 2nd half.
During a game against the shambling undead team
BringMeToDeath J. Greenbeard killed
nr. 6 Dork (zombie) in turn 1, 2nd half.
J. Greenbeard has played against the famous teams
Verminton Tailgunners (Skaven),
Left My Heart In San Francisco (Halfling),
Elfheim Eagles (High Elf).
J. Greenbeard from Blekinge Bulls surrounded by hordes of orcs from Redvillage Butchers (old picture).