Natural Order : Compositae.
Common Name : Pale Purple Cone-flower.
Preparation : The whole plant including the root is pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts by
weight of alcohol.
This rather famous drug first came to notice as "Meyers's Blood Purifier"; the proprietor did not know
the name of the drug used and sent a whole plant to. Professors King and Lloyd, of Cincinnati, who
identified it as Echinacea Angustifolia, commonly known as :
"cone flower,"
"black Sampson,"
"nigger head," etc.
If we may believe, all that has been printed about it the remedy is a veritable cure-all.
---Description---Named Echinacea by Linnaeus, and Rudbeckia, after Rudbeck, father and son, who were his
predecessors at Upsala.
The flowers are a rich purple and the florets are seated round a high cone; seeds, four-sided achenes.
Root tapering, cylindrical, entire, slightly spiral, longitudinally furrowed; fracture short, fibrous;
bark thin; wood, thick, in alternate porous, yellowish and black transverse wedges, and the rhizome has
a circular pith. It has a faint aromatic smell, with a sweetish taste, leaving a tingling sensation in
the mouth not unlike Aconitum napellus, but without its lasting numbing effect.
---Constituents---Oil and resin both in wood and bark and masses of inulin, inuloid, sucrose, vulose,
betaine, two phytosterols and fatty acids, oleic, cerotic, linolic and palmatic.
---Medicinal Action and Uses---Echinacea increases bodily resistance to infection and is used for boils,
erysipelas, septicaemia, cancer, syphilis and other impurities of the blood, its action being
antiseptic. It has also useful properties as a strong alterative and aphrodisiac. As an injection, the
extract has been used for haemorrhoids and a tincture of the fresh root has been found beneficial in
diphtheria and putrid fevers.