From the smothered remains of ex-knorne affiliate and nurglified
Big Galroq
- maimed game one by a Lizard during The Skeggi Colonial Cup Y6 - oozed Uconaabûlbox.
Violent growth followed instantaneously and The Couriers reached another level of excellence with his welcome arrival.
Some had predicted (and smelled) his coming the day the 'khornate' nurgling joined the team and arrogantly donned the #1 jersey...
Uconaabûlbox’ peak performance so far happened in the 2nd match of Spring Y8. A successful denial of Lashweavers frenzied attack resulted in the death of the legendary Keeper of Secrets. Only many frantic prayers and offerings made Slaanesh give the KoS another chance to redeem itself.
Then a gobbo came by. A deadly gobbo... Ol' Uconaabûlbox had been a bit more drafty recently and the boot of the goblin turned the internal bubblin' into an implosion. Uconaabûlbox started shedding bits and slowly metamorphing into a nurgling again. Time to pass the GUO mantle unto another prospect.