Genes and winner instinct:
As the strongest daughter of the King and Queen, this princess knows her way around a castle and is a master of social etiquette (and manipulation). When her brother,
the young prince,
was killed by an Oni, she asked the King to let her play on the Optuma Kniggets team. Then she asked again, many times, until the King could say "no" no more.
The Optuma bling bling are kept in a box, guarded by Sergeants and carried by ox.
This princess is keeper of most secrets. She knows about the feast. She knows about the beast. Still, she tells no one.
Once, this princess had 35 farmes hung with a single word and sweeping look, as there was no railing on the new bridge they had built across a stream in the forest. The other 10 farmers were found too talented at Blood Bowl for the gallows and were instead drafted to the Kniggets Optuma Blood Bowl team.
*** Did you know...
For this princess the most inspiring part of the lullaby is the saddest part, about men dying, as it reminds her of her brother:
This lullaby song, sung to bravest of children
by previously wives, now whimpering women
newly be-widowed, cause every man die
except for the Optuma Kniggets!