20 coaches online • Server time: 07:44
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Game 12 v Sea-Feud Basket Cases (L0-2)
Killed by no8 Hoki
Game 11 v Rapacious Ratscallions (L2-5)
scored TD (caught pass in end zone from Hilari Smoke)
Levelled up: obtained 'Mighty blow'
Game 7: v Rapacious Ratscallions (L2-4)
injured no 6 NuktRnal II (badly hurt)
scored TD (caught pass in end zone from Farotho Angar)
Game 6: v Worst of the Wurst (W2-0)
scored TD (rushed 1 square after 8 square pass from Farotho Anger)
Game 3: v Grill City Gourmets (D2-2)
injured no 10 Cadmus the Carnivore (badly hurt)
scored TD (caught pass in end zone from Galio Kalina)
Levelled up: obtained 'Block'
Game 2: v Grill City Gourmets (D2-2)
Threw TD pass (5 squares) to Gauret Osondrea (run 3 squares)