Thick Skull
+MA (30k)
+MA (30k)
Kick (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Name: Jerzy Kudla
Age: 157 years
Height: 4'5
Weight: 236 lbs
Hair Colour: Black
Occupation: Farmer
Birth Place: Karak Hirn
Fun Fact: Owns a chain of dance clubs
An original member of the team, and was the only player to have appeared in each of the team's first 40 games. He and Marek are the only 2 remaining out of the 11 who started the first game. With the death of the team's 2nd captain, Konstantyn in game 49, Jerzy took over the captaincy as he is currently the heart of the team.
He has 57 offensive starts, originally as the deep back, but more recently nearer the line of scrimmage. With the death of his blitzing partner he permanently took up this position as Adam replaced Tadeusz as kick returner. He also has 52 defensive starts. Although lining up for the kickoff in game 41, he isn't recorded as having played a turn in the game as he was knocked out by a rock thrown from the crowd and missed the entire game.
He's appeared in the most turns with 800 on the field. He's made 119 of 131 GFIs, 66 of 79 dodge attempts, 46 of 51 pick-ups, 24 of 38 catches and of his 22 pass attempts 5 have been missed and 4 fumbled. He leads the team in rerolls used by a long margin - with 72 (23 being for dodges). This could be due to his involvement around the ball but coupled with his stats, it could just be because he's not that good really.
In each of games 5 to 9, he took the kickoff and passed to Tadeusz, having handed off to him in game 2. Most recently, in game 26 he has passed to Henryk, although he rarely passes now, due to Adam starting with the ball.
He's made some special plays, but equally some dumbfounding plays, so really needs to develop as a leader on the team:
Game 15 - picks the ball up in a tackle zone and throws a long bomb (still in the tackle zone) for the TD
Game 3 - picks the ball up in 2 tacklezones then dodges out
Game 46 - dodged twice away from opponents to chase after the hail mary pass from Adam, with 3 of his teammates. Was able to pick it up and score to tie the game in the first half. Then in the 2nd half he dodged away again, deep in his on half and sprinted to midfield, when the Orc Blitzers left their own half and the deepest backs were Black Orcs and one lineman. Adam launched the 2nd hail mary pass to the end zone, and Jerzy beat the lineman in a foot race to the ball to pick it up for what turned out to be the winning score.
Game 27 - he dodged out of one Werewolf's tackle zone to push back the ball carrying Werewolf into the endzone to force the score. This saved enough time for the team to control their destiny and go on and score twice to win
Game 29 - dodges away from 2 Sauruses and blitzes a Skink to stand in the face of the ball-carrying Skink. He is then blitzed by a Saurus and knocks him down, then pushes the Skink into the crowd to preserve the draw - otherwise the Skink was going to walk into the endzone.
Game 56 - he didn't even attempt to dodge out from the tackle zone of a Rotspawn to get in the face of the ball carrier on the last turn of the game, so instead they were able to just walk in for the winning score.
Game 1 and again game 53 - pushing himself to go for it, he fell over and badly hurt himself
Game 5 - having the within reach of the end zone, he is pushed out of bounds
Game 13 - having methodically made their way downfield against less numerous opponents, Jerzy pushed hard to get in to the end zone, going for it twice and failed on the 2nd attempt twice... in the end zone. This failure likely resulted in a draw rather than victory. However, it also did result in him putting in more training to get faster, so could be a longer term benefit to the team.
Game 28 - pushed a Bull Centaur back and then dodged out of his tackle zone only needing to pick the ball up with his normally sure hands (well, and then sprint to the end zone), but he fumbled the ball and the team lost what would have been the tie, having lost the win earlier.
He's been fouled by a Skink, a Rotter and by a High Elf Lineman, knocked out 5 times - once by the crowd and another time by a Kroxigor, having spent the majority of the half marking him away from the play. When he's not injuring himself, he has been badly hurt by an Anointed Blitzer, an Orc crowd, and a Wardancer (with the latter, it was originally thought he'd have to miss time as it might have been a fractured arm, but upon further review from the apothecary this was not needed).
He traditionally doesn't get involved often with blocking, but he has fouled a Bull Centaur and 2 Chaos Dwarfs, knocked out 6 players (including a Tomb Guardian and a Chaos Warrior - and almost knocked a Vampire out, but an apothecary saw to him to make sure he could continue playing on the pitch), badly hurt a Rat Ogre and has smashed Bomber Dribblesnot's hip, along with that of a Zombie - so he's adept at causing that particular injury at least. He's also pushed an Orc Blitzer, a Hobgoblin and a Pestigor into the crowd.