Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Stand Firm (20k)
Name: Konstantyn Rybak [RIP]
Age: 197 years
Height: 4'5
Weight: 212 lbs
Hair Colour: White
Occupation: Monk
Birth Place: Karak Kadrin
Fun Fact: Wore glasses off-pitch and found it hard to see on-pitch
An original member of the team and was one of two players to have appeared in all 35 of the first 35 games. He started 45 of the 47 games he appeared in on the offensive line mainly at the interior positions. He also started 46 defensively.
He was on the field for 681 turns and he made the 3rd most blocks with the most casualties at the time of his death. It was due to his standing with his teammates that he was chosen to succeed Michal as captain following his former leader's death in game 25. His own captaincy lasted until game 49, so 24 games.
He made 6 of 12 dodge attempts, 53 of 58 GFIs, 2 of 3 ball pick-ups, 2 of 4 catches, and fumbled his only pass attempt. He used 33 rerolls, with 22 of them being for blocks.
He was fouled by Rasta Tailspike, a Wood Elf Lineman, an Amazon Linewoman and a Hobgoblin, but until game 35, the only times he'd left the field were twice when he was knocked out, twice pushed into the crowd (once where he was badly hurt), once where he was badly hurt by a Rat Ogre, and where it appeared that he had suffered a fractured skull at the hands of Scyla Anfingrimm (but the apothecary quickly saw to him and it turned out he was only badly hurt). Game 36 saw him fracture his arm during a block by a Beastman, which forced him to miss his first game. Game 41 seemed to have been his last game following a block from a Dwarf Blitzer, but once the apothecary had worked on him it was only a fractured leg which was going to keep him out for the remainder of the game and the next one. Once back again, in game 43 a Chaos Dwarf badly hurt him (although at first it was suspected he had a strained groin). He was badly hurt again, by a Wardancer, in game 48. Game 49 finally saw him succumb to his injuries on the pitch, when he was gored by a Minotaur.
He killed a Saurus, a Zombie (so much so, it was unable to regenerate) and a Wood Elf Lineman, broke a Beastman's ribs, gouged a Skink's eye out, caused a Zombie to suffer from a pinched nerve, badly hurt an Ogre, two Wood Elf Linemen, a Dark Elf Lineman, two Beastmen, a Zombie and a Chameleon Skink, and knocked out 13 other players.
His highlights include:
Game 9 - single-handedly blitzes a Chaos Warrior, then runs, picks up the ball and goes for it twice
Game 7 - picks up the ball and scores a TD
Game 2 - catches the ball in 3 ogre tackle zones, after an ogre knocked it out the hands of Tadeusz (he was then immediately flattened)
Game 24 - pushed a Saurus into the crowd then caught the ball when another Saurus was knocked down into it. He attempted a last ditch pass to the end zone, but was unsuccessful
Game 31 - in the closing stages he fouled a Troll to try prevent a goblin TD throw and preserve the draw, but unfortunately the Orcs found another way to get through the defence