36 coaches online • Server time: 00:38
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Did you know? Up until now, 1508354 players have died on the pitch.
Killed by a Ork blitzer
Murob Vampirebreaker.
Murob Vampirebreaker starts a Block Action.
Murob Vampirebreaker blocks Mr McTout:
Block Roll [ POW ] [ POW/PUSH ]
Block Result [ POW ]
Armour Roll [ 6 ][ 5 ]
Rolled Total of 11
The armour of Mr McTout has been broken.
Injury Roll [ 6 ][ 4 ]
Rolled Total of 10
Mr McTout is Stunty and more easily hurt because of that.
Mr McTout suffers a casualty.
Casualty Roll [ 16 ]
Mr McTout has been killed.
Apothecary used.
Casualty Roll [ 15 ]
Mr McTout has been killed.