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Drex Harman was an unassuming lad at school, studious and keeping very much to himself. Then puberty hit, Drex discovered girls and realised that the best way to impress them was to be the head of the meanest gang in the school.
It was then that Drex discovered he actually enjoyed inflicting pain, and being one of the strongest boys in the school quickly gathered a following of like-minded pupils and a gaggle of groupies. His tactic of putting an offending fellow pupil's head in a door and then closing said door swiftly earned him the title of "The Crusher."
However, his education suffered accordingly, and Drex had few prospects of getting a decent, well-paying job. It seemed a life of petty crime and a knife in the back at the end of it were all that awaited him. But to his good fortune famed (ahem) Blood Bowl coach MichaelU happened to spot Drex throwing a block at a member of the City Watch during an aborted bank heist.
In Blood Bowl Drex has found his true calling. He gets paid ridiculous sums of money to inflict pain, gets loads of groupies, and has all his old gang members around him.