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Block (10k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Sneaky Git (20k)
Tackle (10k)
'The Bullet' was a free agent pick during Season IV, after the Reavers suffered another drubbing on the pitch. A crucial member of the roster now, with his aggressive skillset. One of the three members of 'The Troika' with
'Bronco' Nagursky and
'Pug' Gutowski.
Key Stats: 14 games - 73 blocks - 34 fouls - 4 casualties
Name: Jan Dusan Barshov | Nickname: 'The Bullet' |
Home town: Praag, Kislev | Player No.: # |
Position: Lineman - Off. Tackle | Number: 09 |
Injuries: None | Draft: Season IV, Game 5, Free Agent |
Incarnations: None | Skills: Block, Mighty Blow, Sneaky Git, Tackle |