32 coaches online • Server time: 10:54
Dauntless (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Guard (30k)
Side Step (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Round 2 Swiss
End of 1st half rolls to score a Td needing a dodge, pick up and 2 gfi
Radar starts a Move Action.
Dodge Roll [ 1 ]
Radar trips while dodging.
Roll a 2+ to succeed (AG 4 + 1 Dodge + Roll > 6).
Re-Roll using DODGE
Dodge Roll [ 2 ]
Radar dodges successfully.
Go For It Roll [ 1 ]
Radar trips while going for it.
Roll a 2+ to succeed (Roll > 1).
Re-Roll using TEAM REROLL
Go For It Roll [ 5 ]
Radar goes for it!
Radar tries to pick up the ball:
Pickup Roll [ 3 ]
Radar picks up the ball.
Succeeded on a roll of 2+ (AG 4 + 1 Pickup + Roll > 6).
Go For It Roll [ 1 ]
Radar trips while going for it.
Roll a 2+ to succeed (Roll > 1).
Armour Roll [ 4 ][ 5 ]
Rolled Total of 9
The armour of Radar has been broken.
Injury Roll [ 4 ][ 6 ]
Rolled Total of 10
Radar suffers a casualty.
Casualty Roll [ 1 ][ 5 ]
Radar has been badly hurt.
The apothecary patches Radar up so he is able to play again.
Scatter Roll [ 3 ] West
Scatter Roll [ 3 ] West