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Bruno was a promising player in collage BloodBowl, and was thus given the position as blitzer for the 151’st panzers.
However after the two games the team got to play, it was obvious that he wasn’t up to the responsibility yet.
Still ambitious, and in great physical shape Bruno has been given a second chance and has been signed on as a lineman in the hopes that he in time will gain the experience and skills needed for a permanent contract, or can be sold off to another team.
So far it doesnt look like Brunos contract will be renewed at the end of the season though, as he so far, has done nothing except getting himself knocked flat on the turf.
To add insult to injury, Bruno has even been so badly hurt by a Highelf lineman, that the team apothecary had to work overtime to save his life, an incident that has given birth many jokes in the locker room.
Hence the nickname "immer wieder" is often replaced by "Elf-meal" or worse..
Finally.. after eight games of loathing in the widezones , coach Kredes patience with Bruno fanally ran out, and he was shown the door.
Suffering A big blow to his ego Bruno picked up his fathers old sword and armour, and when hunting goblins up north, making quite a profit, most of witch he has now used to set up his own Blood Bowl school for underpriviliged children in the poor part of Aldorff, turning out some of the worst Blood Bowl players the game has ever seen..