+ST (30k)
Side Step (30k)
my favorite member of the legendary trinity of intrepid skinks who, one fateful day, set out to conquer the world, and a team of smoked_g60's snotlings.
it was a hot day, a dripping sweaty day, a day for grunting and punting halflings at halftime. After a grinding first half, ssarathi, fliss, and hrasseth faced an entire team of snotlings, and three large, ugly, stinking, looming trolls, who were contentedly scratching their testicles and looking blankly around. the trio hissed in unison, knowing the task ahead to be an excercise in futility but unwilling to turn back; some power out of this world compelled all three to stand upon the line of scrimmage to face the trolls!
but their nerve held not. ssarathi dodged away and sped to the left towards the end zone, fliss backpedaled, picking up the ball, and scooted to safety, and hrasseth ducked and weaved among a sea of arms to race across the open turf in the center of the opponents half. The snots surrounded both ssarathi and hrasseth, trying to overwhelm with arms and the peculiar stench of unwashed nostril hair. two of the trolls lumbered towards fliss, and the other tried without success to bash hrasseth's face in, running toward him swinging and stopping as suddenly as he had begun when he missed.
As the trinity prepared for the final push, hrasseth dodged out of the moshpit of snots he was mired in, almost tripping on the way out but saved by his teams long hours of obstacle course drilling. he sprinted to the endzone and looked for fliss...
ssarathi punched the annoying snotling that kept grabbing his ankles, but it dodged the blow... he took his chance and ran, escaping the things grasp and running to stand in front of hrasseth as protection.
fliss saw his opening and moved... he ran like he had never run before, coach screaming from the sidelines, PASS YOU WORM PASS THE BALL! but then, almost out of breath, a horrible realization hit him... HE COULDN'T MAKE IT TO HRASSETH! at the end of his rope and too deeply into the play, he put all his force into his throw and the ball sailed into the sky. a perfect pass... to ssarathi... but ssarathi wasn't in the endzone! fliss buried his head in his hands and groaned.
Ssarathi, on the other hand, watched eagerly as the ball came, and realized the peril... it wasn't going to make it to hrasseth! he did his level best to catch the ball, but his claws jostled it and it slipped up and out of his hands, sailing past him and into the endzone. At the last second hrasseth grabbed it out of the air and hugged it to him... A LEGENDARY TOUCHDOWN HAD BEEN SCORED!
anyway, a crazy, crazy td
and only used that one reroll to dodge successfully on my first move