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<div align="center" ><a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=45556>Disgruntled Evangelists</a></div>
Another of those cornerstone FUMBBL fixtures and one of my favorite teams, we played <a href=http://fumbbl.com/~Aequitas>Aequitas's</a> legendary team twice. Axiomatic played them at TR 290 or so in what turned out to be an intense 16 turn struggle and a great game ending 2-1 in our favor. On the other hand, Eight Long Hours put a 5-0 smackdown on these guys in the way that only woodelves can. Rumour has it that this was the game that turned them back to the dark side!
Whenever I get down after a particularly cruel turn of the dice, I think of Aequitas. We struggle on!